Reflecting and Connecting | Caring/Coping/Connecting

The newest edition of Caring/Coping/Connecting focuses on how to use reflection as a means of strengthening feelings of hope. Reflecting can also help us feel more connected, as we have not navigated these difficult times alone. We did so with our friends, our families, our classmates, our pets, our neighbours, our country and our entire […]

Seeking feedback on our 2021-22 Budget

Every year, the Board of Trustees invites staff, parents, students and community members to contribute ideas and thoughts to help develop the school board’s 2021-22 operating budget. We want to hear what budget priorities are important to you for the upcoming school year. We invite you to make a written submission and/or become a delegate. […]

Students Not Returning to In-Person Learning This School Year

Today, Premier Doug Ford announced that students across Ontario will not be returning to in-person learning this school year. We know how difficult the multiple shifts in learning modes have been for students and families and we know that the extended period of remote learning has had an impact on everyone in the community. We […]

Announcing the Indigenous, Equity, and Human Rights Department

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is proud to announce the launch of the Indigenous, Equity, and Human Rights (IEHR) Department. Within this department, there are three branches: Indigenous Education, Equity and Inclusion, and Human Rights. Indigenous, Equity, and Human Rights Department The Indigenous, Equity, and Human Rights Department (IEHR) engages with students, staff, […]

Looking for feedback on our 2020-30 Long-Term Accommodation Plan

The draft 2020-30 Long-Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) is now available. The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) Planning Team is looking for feedback on our Long-Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP). We want to know if we have addressed key issues facing your school community over the next 10 years. What is a Long-Term Accommodation Plan? The […]

Welcoming Three New Superintendents of Student Achievement and Well-Being

The WRDSB is very pleased to announce the appointments of our new Superintendents of Student Achievement and Well-Being effective July 1, 2021. These candidates bring strong equity leadership capacity grounded in social justice, anti-racism and anti-oppression, an ability to serve and support staff and school communities through productive working relationships, and a proven track record […]

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