We welcome back all of our Sandowne families! Special welcome to all our new friends!

Please note our bell times have changed. School now begins at 9:15am and ends at 3:35pm.

We will be hosting our “Meet the Teacher” night on Wednesday, September 3 from 5:30-6:30pm. Hope you are able to join us!

Class lists will be posted this Saturday morning on our front doors. Busing information is available through the Student Transportation site (www.stswr.ca). You will require your child’s Ontario Education Number (from the report card), birthdate, street number from your home address, and the school name.

Parents and guardians wishing to register their children for our Before and After School Programs are invited to contact the program directly at 519-570-0003 ext. 4529 or e-mail beforeafter@wrdsb.on.ca

All staff will be out on September 2 at 9:00am to welcome your children… looking forward to seeing everyone then! Enjoy a fabulous long weekend.