Fundraising at Sandowne – We are currently running a Poinsettia fundraiser.  Flyers were sent home last Thursday and order forms are due back on Monday, November 23rd.  This fundraiser will support our Nutrition For Learning Program.  We appreciate your support. Thanks to Mrs. Bartlett for all of her efforts on our Nutritition  For Learning Program.

Team Canada Hats – We will also be selling Team Canada Hats (baseball style) to raise money to purchase technology for our classrooms (a sample hat is available in the main office). This unique hat is made to look like it is made out of skate laces (Lace Lidz).  Each hat will sell for $15.  Order forms will be sent home on Wednesday, November 26th and due back on Thursday, December 10th.  Hats will arrive at the school by Thursday, December 17th (just in time for Christmas).

Parent Workshop – Just a reminder that we will have a Parent Workshop this Friday morning at 9:30 in our LibraryCarizon Family and Community Services will be leading this workshop which will focus on Building Resilience in our children.