Food Drive – Thank you to Mme Simpson and our Me to We Team for organzing a Food Drive for our local Food Bank.  We were able to collect 333 food items!  Thanks for your support.

Kindness – We are teaching our students to be kind to one another.  It is such a simple message and has such a positive impact on the tone of our school.  We appreciate your support with this goal.

Photo Re-Take Day – Our Photo Re-Take Day will be on Tues. Oct. 25th.

October 31st – Parents can decide if they want their child(ren) to dress up for Halloween on Monday, Oct. 31st.  Thanks to Mr. Grant and the Spirit Club for organizing some fun Halloween activities for that day!

Parking Lot – Parents may park in our parking lot when they are picking their child up for an appointment during the school day or if they have a meeting at the school.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Remembrance Day – We will have our Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday, November 11th @ 10:15 a.m.  Parents are welcome to attend.

Progress Report Cards – Progress reports will be sent home with students on Monday, November 14th.

P.D. Day – Friday, November 18th is our next P.D. Day.  Students will not attend school that day.  Teachers will be working on School Improvement Plans and will be involved with parent interviews.