Seasonal Concerts – We are excited about our upcoming Seasonal Concerts on Wednesday, December 16th and Thursday, December 17th at 11:55 a.m. in our Gym. We hope to see you there!

Wednesday Performances – Mme Simpson, Mrs. Turner-Wilson and Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Martin and Ms Carreno, Mrs. Whittrick, Ms Miller and Mme Kraft, Mme Henry and Mrs. Huynh, Mrs. Wildfong and Mrs. Schveighardt, Mme Teal-Breeze

Thursday Performances – Mlle Bauman and Mrs. Birrell, Mme Leclerc-Humphrey, Mme Weber and Miss Rushton, Mrs. Carroll, Miss Schoppel and Mrs. Nanton, Mrs. Wallace-Stoltz, Miss Murray and Mrs. Panagos-Orsini

Fundraising at Sandowne – Thank you so much to our Sandowne families for helping us raise $860 for our Nutrition For Learning Program at Sandowne.  Thanks to Mrs. Bartlett for organizing this successful Poinsettia Fundraiser!

Team Canada Hats – We are selling Team Canada Hats (Lace Lidz) until December 10th Each hat sells for $15 with the profit going towards purchasing technology for our classrooms.  Thank you for your support!

Dance-A-Thon – Thank you to our School Council for hosting another Dance-A-Thon this year.  This exciting event will take place on Friday, December 11th.  Pledge forms went home earlier this week. Our profit will go towards field trips and technology.

Sandowne’s 5 Days of Giving – Thanks to our Student Council for coordinating Sandowne’s 5 Days of Giving.  Donations will be used to support people in need within our Sandowne community.  This event will be from December 7th-11th.  A list of the items being collected went home to each family.  Thanks for your support!